The press service of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs reported on the opening.
What is the problem?
After being wounded and going through rehabilitation, many veterans can't serve in the army anymore and struggle to return to ordinary civilian lives. As the survey shows, 53.8% of veterans already need help in improving their health. Another study says the veterans also mentioned problems when finding employment.
"Veterans are people without whom victory is impossible. Our task is to ensure that the heroes who return from the front quickly and comfortably reintegrate into peaceful life," said Serhii Lysak, head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration.
What is the solution?
On Thursday, June 15, the first Center for Veteran Development in Ukraine opened in Dnipro at the University of Customs and Finance. It will ensure favorable conditions for the reintegration of veterans and their family members into public life through the development of professional skills, retraining, promotion of veterans' employment, and training of future assistants of veterans.
How does it work?
The new center will create conditions for the reintegration of veterans and their family members into public life with the help of the development of professional skills, retraining, promoting the employment of veterans, and training of future assistants of veterans.
In addition to educational programs, the Center will provide specialized training for veterans and future veteran assistants — those who will meet the soldiers after the victory and contribute to the return of defenders to civilian life.
"Together with the Ministry of Education and Science, we have developed a training module for veterans' assistants. By the end of the month, we will start recruiting veterans' assistants, and their training will already take place in July," the ministry said in a statement.
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