Rubryka reports, citing the press service of the 36th separate brigade of the marines and the statement of the spokesperson of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksii Hromov.
"The Marines of the 36th Separate Brigade of Marines named after Rear Admiral Mykhailo Bilinskyi destroyed an expensive enemy Ka-52 attack helicopter, known as the Alligator," the 36th Separate Brigade of Marines said in a statement.
According to mass media, it happened yesterday. The Ukrainian defenders have already destroyed more than 300 military helicopters of the occupying country. The "anniversary" was the Russian Ka-52 "Alligator," shot down on June 12.
Oleksii Hromov, the spokesperson of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, congratulated the Defense Forces on such indicators and noted that during the two wars in Ichkeria, Russia lost many times fewer helicopters.
"The number of helicopters destroyed in Ukraine is approximately five times greater than during the two wars of aggression in Ichkeria, where the losses of Russian terrorists amounted to about 60 combat and transport vehicles," Hromov said.
Yesterday, the Russian army lost 580 soldiers, 12 tanks, a helicopter, and dozens of units of other types of equipment.
Earlier, British intelligence reported that Russia had activated tactical aviation amid the Ukrainian counteroffensive.
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