Solutions to win: Ukrainian NGOs initiate fundraiser for summer military uniforms for women

Ukrainian NGO Zemliachky opens a fundraising campaign to collect UAH 43 million for summer military uniforms for women. 

Rubryka reports that Kitty The Defender became the ambassador — a common image and mascot of all military women in Ukraine.

What is the problem?

As of March 1, 2023, more than 60,500 women are serving in the Ukrainian army, and about 8,000 are on the front lines. The positions held by women are no different from those held by men, so uniforms and ammunition must be of high quality and comfortable, taking into account physiology.

What is the solution?

The goal of the fundraiser is 10,000 sets, costing UAH 43 million. One set consists of a battle shirt, pants, a T-shirt, and a fleece jacket. The main task is to provide women on the frontline with comfortable, high-quality summer uniforms considering female physiology.

"We created the first uniform with a pink holster for a reason. Once, a defender came to our hub, who had returned from combat a few days before and was going to the front after our meeting. All her clothes were camouflage, under three layers of clothing, and a pink holster was hidden under the coat. She said it was the only thing that could not be seen, and that could be pink. I think it is very 'about women,' about the contrast of life in war," said Ksenia Drahaniuk, co-founder of the NGO Zemliachky.

How does it work?

One of the Ukrainian pharmacy chains has already joined the fundraiser by launching the Good Fundraiser for Women Defenders project. The first stage of the project will start in June. Customers of the chain of  Good Day Pharmacies will be able to join the collection by purchasing products of the Lactovit and Beter brands: UAH 3 from each package of these brands will be transferred to the fundraiser.

"Today, we want to support women who have changed their everyday status as mothers and women to defenders of Ukraine," said Oksana Kyrychenko,  Good Day Pharmacy general director. "Every Ukrainian woman and man can support the women at the front by donating or buying cosmetics from the  Good Day Pharmacy and a part of the funds from which will be donated monthly to a convenient summer uniform for women defenders. The whole world saw that Ukrainians reflect courage, and our unity is admired in different parts of the world. Together we will win!" 

Any interested business representative or ordinary citizen can join the collection by writing to Zemliachky's Instagram page.

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