AFU: Czech Viktor machine guns are effective against Russian drone attacks

The Ukrainian military has showcased photos of Czech-made Viktor anti-aircraft systems, which are known for their ease of operation and maneuverability. The firing rate of this gun is approximately 600 rounds per minute.

The corresponding post was published by the Joint Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine press service on Facebook to how these systems work.

According to the Commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Serhii Naiev, the Viktor anti-aircraft systems can be easily concealed in firing positions, and their firing rate of around 600 rounds per minute allows for reliable engagement of aerial targets at long distances.

"Combined with a thermal sight and a collimator target designator, it is a very powerful weapon against Shahed-type drones," he added.

The main tasks of these systems are to counter-strike drones and engage low-altitude aircraft and helicopters. The anti-aircraft systems can be used against light-armored vehicles and enemy field fortifications.

"The commander says, this year, the mobile fire groups are being equipped with new Czech-made anti-aircraft systems. The first Viktor systems are already on combat duty in the north and demonstrate excellent results in shooting down kamikaze drones," the statement said.

According to the military, the complex is "designed for people" and performs its tasks excellently.

"In the future, to enhance the capabilities of mobile fire groups as a whole, we plan to strengthen them with radar reconnaissance equipment," Naiev added.

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