Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
RBC-Ukraine reports that despite the full-scale war, Ukraine wants and has the opportunity to develop diplomatic ties with Africa.
After his first tour of African countries last fall, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba announced plans to train African diplomats. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ukrainian side has held two courses in which 18 countries and more than 200 diplomats participated.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Oleh Nikolenko, told the publication that Ukraine plans to open ten more embassies in Africa. Relevant agreements are already in place with Ghana, Rwanda, and Mozambique; work on others is ongoing.
The Ukrainian government also wants to hold an Africa-Ukraine summit, but the details have not yet been disclosed.
What are Ukraine's relations with Africa?
As Rubryka reported, Minister Kuleba took his second tour of African countries in May. The purpose of the visits was, in particular, to involve states in Zelensky's peace formula, enlist support for the "grain corridor," and create new opportunities for Ukrainian business.
It's important for Ukraine to establish diplomatic relations with Africa because they will open up new opportunities, Kulba said.
Rubryka reported that the authorities had identified ten African states where new embassies of Ukraine would be opened in 2023. Rubryka also said that Zelensky appointed ambassadors to Nigeria and Argentina.
During the first-ever visit to Rwanda, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, held talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Vincent Biruta, in the capital Kigali and announced the opening of an embassy in the country.
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