USAID launches new project to aid war-affected businesses in Zaporizhzhia

Entrepreneurs from the Zaporizhzhia region will be eligible to receive complimentary professional services for assessing the harm and extent of damage inflicted due to Russia's armed aggression.

This was announced on the Facebook page of the USAID "Competitive Economy of Ukraine" program.

What is the problem?

Due to the full-scale invasion of Russia, at least 109 large and medium-sized Ukrainian enterprises of various forms of ownership suffered direct losses; the total damage amount is estimated at 13 billion dollars.

What is the solution?

It is noted that within the scope of the project, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs of the Zaporizhzhia region will be able to receive free of charge professional services for assessing damage and the amount of damage caused as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. Experts will also provide entrepreneurs with professional advice.

How does it work?

Expert services will be provided to 40 enterprises; another 100 will receive consulting assistance.

The project will help entrepreneurs:

  • reflect losses in their financial statements;
  • obtain legally documented evidence for future judicial and extrajudicial procedures;
  • prepare the basis for obtaining a certificate of force majeure to inform commercial partners or investors.

Small and medium-sized businesses in the Zaporizhia region, which suffered due to Russian aggression, can participate in the project.

To receive expert services, the company must meet the following criteria:

  • number of employees – from 10 to 250 people;
  • the enterprise creates added value in the form of goods or services;
  • the priority spheres of enterprise activity are mechanical engineering, metalworking, food, processing industry, service sector;
  • the enterprise works during the period of martial law;
  • the enterprise is entirely or partially destroyed.

To participate in the project, an applicant must complete a Google form.

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