20:08 13 Jun 2023

Ukraine to receive €107 mln in air defense systems from allies

Photo: thalesgroup

Britain on Tuesday announced a new £92 million (€107.5 million) military aid package for Ukraine to strengthen air defenses.

British Defense Minister Ben Wallace announced this at a meeting of the heads of defense agencies of the countries participating in the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF), European Pravda reports.

The British-led International Fund for Ukraine (IFU) will procure the military aid to " strengthen Ukraine's ability to protect critical national infrastructure, civilians and front-line military personnel."

As part of the package, Kyiv will receive radars to protect against indiscriminate Russian strikes and "cannons and a significant amount of ammunition."

"The UK has contributed a further £250 million to the International Fund for Ukraine, and together with allies and partners, through this fund, we are providing a package of air defenses to help Ukraine protect its critical national infrastructure and defend itself against indiscriminate Russian airstrikes," emphasized Wallace.

The International Fund for Ukraine (IFU) uses financial contributions from international partners to purchase priority military aid for Ukraine.

With contributions from the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, and Lithuania, more than £520 million (€607.8 million) has been raised through the fund.

Earlier, the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, said that the Western countries are intensifying the supply of military aid to Ukraine to help the counteroffensive of Ukraine's armed forces.

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