17:27 13 Jun 2023

Bakhmut: 53 Russian soldiers, 118 injured, and two captured by Ukrainian forces over the past day

Photo: Facebook/ the General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces

On June 13, Ukraine's armed forces eliminated 53 occupiers on the Bakhmut front, 118 Russians were injured, and two more were captured.

Serhiy Cherevaty, a spokesperson for the Eastern Group of Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reported this on the air of the Yedyny Novyny telethon, Ukrinform reports.

"During this day, the intensity of fighting in the Bakhmut direction was less – one battle took place. However, the enemy hit us just as actively with barrel artillery and MLRS. The Russian invaders struck 418 times and carried out one air raid. During the strikes, the Defense Forces of Ukraine destroyed 53 occupiers; 118 were injured, and two were captured. Four warehouses with ammunition and three vehicles transporting ammunition were also destroyed," the spokesperson said.

He said the enemy's activity on the Bakhmut front has significantly decreased. If the norm was 15 to 30 military clashes earlier, their number has decreased several times.

Commenting on the Lyman-Kupiansk front situation, Cherevaty noted that all enemy attacks during the day were repulsed.

"The enemy here tried to attack our positions seven times, carried out 505 artillery strikes, carried out seven air raids. All enemy attacks were unsuccessful. During their repulse, 27 occupiers were destroyed, and 75 were wounded. The enemy's armored vehicles were destroyed. In particular, armored personnel carrier BTR-80, infantry fighting vehicle, mortar, one anti-tank gun "Rapira" and 2 UAVs", the spokesperson informed, adding that the enemy is trying to be active in this direction, but due to competent defense and intelligence activities, the Defense Forces are aware of the enemy's intentions and prevent them.

At the same time, the spokesperson noted that the enemy understands the importance of Bakhmut, so it sends landing units here as a priority when there is a risk of losing positions.

Answering the question of where the occupiers are transferring their forces from the Kherson region after the destruction of the Kakhovska HPP, Cherevaty noted: "We are observing the rotational processes; they are still ongoing. We will watch for some time to verify and understand the dynamics of movements, but we clearly see that on the Bakhmut front, they primarily bet on airborne units."

For reference:

It should be noted that the Ministry of Defense has placed new body armor and helmet models on the supply of Ukrainian defenders.

On the Berdiansk front, Ukraine's armed forces advanced from 500 meters to 1 kilometer in a day: the fighting continues, the spokesperson of the General Staff reported.




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