Energoatom, Ukraine's state nuclear energy operator, reported that "despite the Russian occupiers having blown up the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant's dam, the situation remains stable and under control."
As of 20:00 on June 11, the water level in the Kakhovka reservoir in the Nikopol area is 9.04 m, and the Zaporizhzia NPP's cooling pond is at 16.67 m, and this is quite enough to meet the station's needs.
Energoatom stressed that the ZNPP power units have not been operating since September 2022, and active water evaporation from the cooling pond has not occurred since then.
On June 8, 2023, the State Inspection of Nuclear Regulation of Ukraine issued an order to the Energoatom to limit the operation of power unit No. 5 of Zaporizhzhia NPP, as an object of state supervision, to a state of "cold shutdown."
German experts are concerned about the situation at the Zaporizhzhia NPP after the Russians blew up the Kakhovka Dam. Still, they do not see an actual threat of radioactive contamination.
On June 6, 2023, Russian invaders blew up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant and dam that they had been controlling since the first day of their invasion of Ukraine. Water from the Kakhovka reservoir started overflowing and flooding Ukraine's southern Kherson region. This hydroelectric power plant near Nova Kakhovka regulates the Dnipro River flow so that Ukraine's south has electricity and water. The Kakhovka reservoir also provides water to the cooling systems of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant currently occupied by Russia. There were concerns that it would threaten to leave the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant without water for cooling. Water is taken for turbine capacitors and safety systems. The Ukrainian staff of the Russia-occupied plant monitors all indicators.
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