Ukraine's Ministry of Strategic Industries prioritizes humanitarian demining, focuses on specialized machine production

Serhii Hrom, Deputy Director of the Department of Military-Industrial Policy of the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine. Photo: Hromadske
Serhii Hrom, Deputy Director of the Department of Military-Industrial Policy of the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine, said that the Ministry of Strategic Industry is currently working on the humanitarian demining of territories and has three priority work areas.
He reported this during the Hromadske conference "We are building!"
According to him, the department is creating capacities of enterprises of the defense-industrial complex to produce special machines and devices for humanitarian demining.
Заступник директора Департаменту військово-промислової політики Міністерства з питань стратегічних галузей промисловості України розповів, що його відомство займається виготовленням приладів, які використовуватимуть при розмінуванні
Дякуємо партнерам NATO in Ukraine та CIPE
— hromadske (@HromadskeUA) June 7, 2023

Ukraine needs 1000 demining brigades to destroy all explosives on its territory – defense minister
Hrom identified three priority directions of the Ministry's work in this area: cars for transporting sapper units and their material means, vehicles for transporting explosive objects, and means of mechanization.
"If we understand the first two directions, there are enterprises, and we are already working, then about the third direction, it has not developed in Ukraine," he emphasized.
The official noted that the private sector is actively creating samples of equipment that have been undergoing certification and testing for some time.
"I would like to appeal to all representatives of enterprises that have their developments: contact us so that we skillfully, qualitatively, and effectively start using your samples in humanitarian demining activities," he emphasized.
As reported, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine intends to create a modern sapper training center with the support of the United States, which will train 500 specialists in humanitarian demining annually. Ukraine is also planning to launch its production of demining machines.
Rubryka also reported that a demining machine was produced in the Balaklia community of the Izium district of the Kharkiv region and put into operation by specialists in the area.