15:25 11 Jun 2023

Russian troops seal off occupied Oleshky, leaving flooded residents without water and electricity

One of the districts in Kherson. Water is everywhere

The Russia-occupied city of Oleshky in Ukraine's southern Kherson region, which was flooded by high water because of the Kakhovka dam destruction, was closed by the Russian invaders: they allow evacuation only to residents with a Russian passport.

Rubryka reports, referring to the statement of the Head of Kherson regional military administration, Oleksandr Prokudin, on the air of the national telethon.

"The situation in the Oleshky community, as well as on the left bank in general, is critical. The occupiers announced some kind of action, but there was no further word of action. There was no evacuation," the head of the region reports. "Now the community has no communication, electricity, and gas supply. The population is in dire need of drinking water and food." 

Prokudin said the Russian troops completely closed Oleshky and introduced the so-called "quarantine." City residents are not allowed out, and Russian roadblocks are set up at the exits.

The head of the region stressed that the Russian aggressors were evacuating only people with Russian passports. According to him, the Ukrainians are taken to Voronezh, Russian Federation.

"As for the victims, eight people who died due to drowning have been confirmed. This is the information verified by Oleshky doctors. Yes, there are cases of people's corpses being found in the community. Those numbers that are mentioned (on the network, – ed.) are not confirmed information," he said.

Prokudin added that Ukrainian forces managed to evacuate about 100 people from the occupied left bank of the Kherson region. But the aggressors hinder the rescue operation by firing at the population.

What we know about the situation on the occupied left bank of the Kherson region

As is well known, part of the left bank of the Kherson region was flooded, particularly the city of Oleshky, after the Russian military blew up the Kakhovka dam. As of June 11, 14 settlements were flooded there.

The situation on the occupied left bank is critical, as the Russians are not massively evacuating the population. They also shelled populated areas.

Many online reported numerous victims due to flooding. This information is not confirmed by the Ukrainian authorities because there is no access to the occupied territory.

As Rubryka reported, the death of nine people due to flooding was confirmed in the occupied city of Oleshky.


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