International Criminal Court investigating destruction of Kakhovka dam, team of experts now in Kherson

Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin held a meeting with representatives of law enforcement agencies in Kherson on the investigation into Russia's destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant.

"I held a meeting with the leadership of specialized units of the Prosecutor General's Office, regional prosecutors' offices, the leadership of the central apparatus, and regional offices of the Security Service of Ukraine," Kostin said on Facebook. "Priorities were determined: the investigation of a war crime — an attack on an object protected by the Geneva Conventions — and ecocide," the Prosecutor General said.

According to him, the mission of the International Criminal Court also came to the Kherson region.

"Colleagues have arrived in the Kherson region to prepare for investigative actions about the blowing up of the Kakhovka HPP," Kostin emphasized. "They will see everything with their own eyes and draw their conclusions. The world should know the whole truth about the terrible crimes that Russia is committing in Ukraine."

He added that the scale of this Russian crime is catastrophic. Only on the right bank of the Dnieper, controlled by Ukraine, 58,000 civilians found themselves in the flood zone. The situation is even worse on the temporarily occupied left bank.

The Prosecutor General also mentioned today's shelling of the evacuation site in Kherson, resulting in two volunteers being injured.

"Terror against peaceful people is the aggressor's strategy. Undoubtedly, Russia is responsible for the disaster at the Kakhovka HPP. We are open to cooperation with international partners for the most transparent investigation and trial," he stressed.

As Rubryka reported, on the night of June 6, Russian invaders blew up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant, located a few kilometers from the temporarily occupied city of Nova Kakhovka, Kherson region.

The station cannot be restored. Rescue operations and evacuation of the population from flooded areas are ongoing on the right bank of the Kherson region. The situation is challenging in the temporarily occupied territories on the left bank, where the Russian invaders left people without help.

The Rubryka correspondent also reported that the Russians were shooting at people trying to evacuate in the flooded left-bank Kherson region.

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