A man on the roof of his house in Kherson
Rubryka reports, citing the statement of Ukraine's Ministry of Internal Affairs on the Telegram messaging app.
As reported, 47 settlements have been flooded in the Kherson region at this time, including:
The law enforcement officers reported that four people died from the flood, and 27 are considered missing.
According to the interior ministry, 31 settlements were flooded in the southern Mykolaiv region. Nine hundred thirty-six6 people were evacuated, including 167 children. Rubryka reported that one person died in the Mykolayiv region due to high water.
In the central Dnipropetrovsk region, there is no water supply for more than 89,000 households in 26 settlements.
As Rubryka reported, on the night of June 6, Russian invaders blew up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station, located a few kilometers from the temporarily occupied city of Nova Kakhovka, Ukraine's southern Kherson region.
We will remind you that three people have already died due to flooding in the temporarily occupied Oleshky on the left bank of the Kherson region.
The death of nine people due to flooding was confirmed in the occupied city of Oleshky.
One person also died in the Mykolaiv region due to flooding after the Kakhovska hydroelectric power station explosion.
The Rubryka correspondent also reported that the Russians were shooting at people trying to evacuate in the flooded left-bank Kherson region.
Earlier, the Head of the Ukrhydroenergo State water company, Ihor Syrota, reported that the water level in the Kakhovka reservoir fell below the "dead point." This means it is currently impossible to draw water to the Russia-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant to cool it.
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