UN convoys send humanitarian aid to residents of Kherson region

The UN convoys sent drinking water, food kits, materials for house reconstruction, and medicines to the Kherson region.

Local authorities made the relevant statement.

Drinking water, grocery sets, materials for home repair, and medicines are going to Bilozerska community and Kherson. They were the most affected by flooding, the statement says.

Denise Brown, the permanent coordinator of UN support in Ukraine, accompanies the humanitarian cargo.

On the night of June 6, Russian invaders blew up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station, located a few kilometers from the temporarily occupied city of Nova Kakhovka, Kherson region.

Local authorities reported nine dead in the occupied town of Oleshky as Russian forces block their evacuation.  A person also died in the Mykolaiv region due to flooding after the explosion.

Rubryka's reporter said that the Russians are constantly shelling at people trying to evacuate in the flooded left-bank Kherson region.

Meanwhile, in Mykolaiv and the region, the water level exceeded the historical maximum. Due to the disaster, the Kinburn Spit was cut off from the mainland.

President Zelensky called on international organizations to respond to the disaster and immediately join the rescue of people in the occupied part of the Kherson region.

Earlier, the head of the Ukrhydroenergo facility Ihor Syrota reported that the water level in the Kakhovka reservoir fell below the "dead point." This means that it is currently impossible to draw water to the Zaporizhzhia NPP for cooling the plant.

Ukraine and the UN also agreed on a plan to evacuate the population from the occupied left bank of the Kherson region after the explosion of the Kakhovka HPP.

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