What is the problem?
Almost 60,000 women serve in the Ukrainian forces. About 5,000 of them are defending Ukraine on the front lines. Millions donate, volunteer, support their families, tell the world about Ukraine, believe, and strive for victory.
Just like men, women soldiers die in war, get injured, and face various mental problems.
What is the solution?
ArmWomenHub is an all-inclusive mental health club where psychological support, mentoring, social rehabilitation services, workshops, and creative meetings will be held for women soldiers.
How does it work?
The center will have a psychologist's office, a space for meetings, as well as a showroom with uniforms sewn by the ArmWomenNow project and items from Ukrainian brands, for example, microfiber towels, underwear, etc.
This is a place where every woman can feel herself among her own people, says Arm Women Now's founders.
The hub was opened on June 1 in Kyiv at 14/1 Mechnikova Street. It is open from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. However, the hub will be fully operational from the end of August.
Literature meet-ups are planned here, which the prominent Ukrainian writer Tamara Gorikha Zernya has agreed to host, as well as art meetings and various master classes, for example, the making of wind-up dolls.
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