Swiss parliament allows arms re-export to Ukraine

Switzerland's Council of States, the upper house of parliament, on Wednesday, allowed arms re-export to Ukraine amid opposition that it may contradict the country's neutrality.

The decision is taken by 22 in favor and 17 against votes, with four abstentions.

The cantonal council wants to allow other countries to transfer military equipment bought in Switzerland under certain conditions. The council has adopted a relevant parliamentary initiative from the Security Policy Commission. A legislative project based on another initiative is already at the development stage, the statement emphasizes.

The Swiss Senate proposes that the arms embargo treaty be limited to 5 years. It is also a condition that a country that wants to transfer Swiss-made weapons must not be:

  • side of the conflict,
  • violate human rights,
  • not to exercise their right to self-defense.

The decision on the re-export of weapons has not been finalized, now, the lower house of the Swiss parliament must vote for this initiative.

Although Switzerland had adopted parts of the EU sanctions against Russia, including the freezing of Russian assets, Bern continued to block the transfer of weapons to Ukraine.

Almost two weeks ago, Swiss President Alain Berset accused supporters of the transfer of weapons to Ukraine of being a "war frenzy," but under public pressure, he was forced to concede just a few days later that his "choice of words could have been wiser."

Those in favor of an exception argued that Switzerland should provide more support to Ukraine and contribute to European security.

Opponents, including the Greens and conservatives from the SVP party, feared a violation of neutrality and too close a rapprochement with NATO.

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