Ukraine to convene UN Security Council over Kakhovka HPP explosion

Ukraine wants to convene an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council due to the Russian invaders blowing up the Kakhovka HPP.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine published a statement on the issue.

"According to the results of the National Security and Defense Council meeting on the morning of June 6, the list of actions proposed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, to be implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in the context of response, in particular, includes the convening of an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council by Ukraine and bringing the issue of the Russian terrorist attack to the meeting of the IAEA Governing Council, as well as the involvement mechanism of civil protection of the European Union," the message reads.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on the countries of the Group of Seven and the EU to urgently consider imposing new far-reaching sanctions on Russia, particularly on the Russian missile and nuclear industries.

"We consider the undermining of the Kakhovka HPP dam by the Russian Federation as a terrorist act against Ukrainian critical infrastructure, which aims to cause as many victims and destruction as possible," the statement reads.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs notes that the terrorist attack at the Kakhovska HPP was previously lively discussed at the level of the occupation forces in the Kherson region and propagandists on Russian television. This indicates his prior planning.

"The blowing up of the Kakhovka HPP dam is artificial and ecological terrorism, the biggest artificial disaster in Europe in recent decades, another manifestation of Russia's genocide against Ukrainians. This is the Kremlin's response to countries calling for peace talks with the Russian Federation," the agency noted.

Thus, due to a decrease in the water level in the Kakhovka reservoir, there may be a danger of an incident at another critical infrastructure object occupied by the Russians – the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.

With this in mind, Ukraine calls on the international community to strongly condemn the Russian terrorist attack on the Kakhovka HPP.

In addition, Russia's artificial crime confirms the high relevance of the Ukrainian peace formula. Therefore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on international partners to join its implementation as soon as possible, particularly the points on countering ecocide and nuclear and energy security.

The ministry emphasizes that Russia will have to compensate for all the consequences of its crime – for people, infrastructure, and the environment.

For reference:

Today, around 2:50 a.m., the Russians blew up the Kakhovka dam. The station was completely destroyed; it cannot be restored.

Ukrainian intelligence said that the invaders remotely detonated the Kakhovska HPP.

Up to 80 settlements are at risk of flooding due to the explosion of the hydroelectric power station. Meanwhile, 150 tons of lubricant got into the Dnipro, and there is also a risk of further leakage.

However, the National Security Council Secretary, Oleksii Danilov, noted, "Nothing and no one, no Russian, will stop the liberation of Ukraine, which time has come."

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