Photo: BAZA
CNN reported this with reference to sources familiar with US intelligence data.
American officials, the publication notes, believe that pro-Ukrainian agents in Russia carried out the attack on the Kremlin in early May, launching drones from the territory of the Russian Federation, not Ukraine.
It is currently unknown whether other drone attacks were also carried out from the territory of the Russian Federation and whether they were carried out by this network of pro-Ukrainian agents.
US officials believe that Ukraine has developed subversive cells inside the Russian Federation, consisting of pro-Ukrainian sympathizers and operatives well-trained in this type of warfare. Ukraine is believed to have provided the men with Ukrainian-made drones, and two US officials told CNN there was no evidence that any drone strikes were carried out using US-provided UAVs.
Officials could not say for sure how Ukraine was able to send the drones behind enemy lines. Still, two of the sources told CNN that smuggling routes had been established that could be used to send drones or drone components to Russia, where they could then be assembled at the place.
Sources told CNN that it is not known who exactly controls these agents, although US officials believe that representatives of the Ukrainian intelligence community are involved.
Two sources said that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has allegedly established the general parameters of what Ukraine's security and intelligence services have the right to do, but not every operation requires his signature.
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