Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports on the Telegram messaging app that Come Back Alive fundraised 230 million hryvnias for the Black Box for Ukrainian intelligence.
The results can be seen in the destruction of many Russian objects located both on the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territory and on the territory of the Russian Federation.
During April-May 2023, the results of the project's work could be observed in destroyed logistics centers, transport hubs, places where Russian military equipment and troops are concentrated, and other purposes.
As Kyrylo Budanov, Ukraine's Defense Intelligence chief, explained, this is only part of the "Black Box" information that can be made public.
"More than $700 million is our next contribution to reducing the offensive potential of the enemy's army, demoralizing the fighting spirit and making them accept their defeat in this war," Budanov said.
Last year, at the request of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Come Back Alive, together with Ukrainian blogger Ihor Lachenkov, raised 230 million hryvnias for the secret Black Box project.
The Defense Intelligence announced that it would implement another project jointly with the Come Back Alive Foundation, which will help reduce Russia's offensive potential.
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