Solutions to win: Volunteers create mine-laying drone for Ukrainian army

Two men from Ukraine's west found a way to undermine the positions of the Russians remotely, ShoTam reports.

What is the problem?

Russia has been waging a war of aggression and genocide against Ukraine for over a year now. Ukrainian defenders bravely fight off the invasion and liberate the Ukrainian territories, repelling the invaders from their homeland.

What is the solution?

Roman and Volodymyr created a mine-laying drone with their own hands to aid Ukrainian defenders. Their device can drop mines at the Russian occupiers and quickly return to their positions.

"Some wise man said that one is not a warrior in the field. But two friends are strength," Roman Borynets, inventor, said.

Volodymyr and Roman have been friends since childhood. Recently, they became fathers, becoming godfathers to each others' children. Volodymyr is a geodesist by education but an electronics engineer by profession. Roman is a professional rescuer, but everyone around him knows that he is a talented mechanic. At the beginning of the full-scale war, they directed their talents to help the army.

More than one of their devices caused disaster for the Russians, and dozens of repaired cars returned to the front. The friends initially wanted to make their new device a kamikaze ground drone. But they invented it better.

"What is a kamikaze for? How can we make a mine release system, and it returns? Whole and undamaged," Volodymyr Mussur, inventor, said.

How does it work?

They started developing it two weeks ago at the request of the military. The guys assembled the base of the drone and began to improve it.

The developers tested this drone: currently, it is capable of transporting a mine of up to 120 kg and going to a distance of 450 meters or 850 with an additional antenna.

The developers believe this distance is not enough, so they are improving the drone to travel 1.5 km. The guys also figured out how to observe the drone's movement without being affected by Russian EW.

"There is such an unpleasant thing as EW. It jams the signals. And that's why I'm considering raising the drone above. The signal won't be muffled. And control where it goes with the drone," Volodymyr Mussur, inventor, says.

Where precisely the drone will go to please the Russians with "gifts" is a mystery. The guys' new development will destroy Russian armored vehicles at the front in just a few weeks.

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