Rubryka explains how the solution of charity fairs works.
What is the problem?
It is becoming more and more challenging to finish fundraising campaigns for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Many volunteers have been talking recently that while posts with announced fundraisers are becoming less visible to users, and Ukrainians have to choose where and how to donate to help the Armed Forces, Ukrainian defenders still need support.
What is the solution?
Creative approaches to fundraising for military needs help activate donations. On June 3-4, 2023, the Charity Honey Picnic was held in the capital's botanical garden. The event organizers were the NGO Beekeepers' Women Foundation and the Fruit Plant Acclimatization Department of the Hryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The purpose of the charity picnic was to raise funds for the needs of the 3rd separate tank brigade.
How does it work?
Charity Honey Picnic was held in the capital's botanical garden, June 3-4, 2023
Допомагати нашим воїнам — обов'язок кожного українця. Саме так вважають організатори "солодкого" благодійного заходу, які вже рік роблять все можливе, щоб допомогти українським військовим нищити російських окупантів.
Виставка-ярмарок натурального меду, продукції бджільництва проводиться на території Ботсаду ім. Гришка вже вчетверте. Нині на ярмарку були представлені не тільки медові ласощі, а й джеми, квіткові сиропи, чаї, напої з екзотичних плодових культур (азиміна, аронія, кизил, горобина, мушмула, зизифус, хурма, хеномелес, годжі), які вирощують у Ботсаду.
Master class on painting honey cookies
Visitors to the fair could also take part in workshops for children and adults: make a guardian angel from beeswax, paint honey cookies, make a wreath and make a doll. The smallest visitors created applications and postcards.
Creating a postcard from natural materials
The beekeepers organized a charity lottery, quests, and a photo booth.
You could feel like a beekeeper in Charity Honey Picnic's thematic photo zone
"Our department takes care of a huge fruit and berry garden, which is almost 12 hectares," the acting head of the fruit crops acclimatization department, Olha Hrihorieva, told Rubryka. "Before the war, we were engaged in its development, participated in professional events and exhibitions, and never thought we would produce and offer people products made from the fruits. But we learned a lot during the year of Russia's full-scale aggression. Now the employees of our department are not only engaged in science but also produce craft delicacies, helping the army."
At the fair, you could taste fruit syrups, jams and honey drinks and goodies
The Fruit Crops Acclimatization Department transfers part of the goodies to the front but tries to sell the majority to donate money.
"Jams on the front line are, of course, good, but they will not be able to replace, for example, chainsaws, which are now very necessary for the guys of our ward unit. We would donate for them and other urgent things at the Charity Picnic," says Olha Hrihorieva.
According to the organizers, yesterday's Charity Honey Picnic was successful, and the participants liked it. The most crucial goal of the event was fulfilled — UAH 26,087 was collected for the needs of the Armed Forces.
The National Guard visited the Charity Honey Picnic
"There were a lot of people. We didn't even expect so many because May was very exhausting for Kyiv residents [due to daily Russian airstrikes, ed.]. Thank you to all our visitors for wanting to help! We thank the National Guard of Ukraine cadets for visiting us and every Ukrainian who donated! We cordially invite everyone to our next joint event, which we plan to hold in August. It will be much larger and even more interesting," adds Leonora Adamchuk, head of the Women Beekeepers' Foundation.
Not to miss the new Honey Picnic, follow the announcements on the Facebook page of the Women Beekeepers Foundation.
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