Ukraine’s defense minister meets with EU top diplomat Borrell on sidelines of Singapore security forum

EU top diplomat Josep Borrell met with Ukrainian defense minister Oleksii Reznikov on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue security forum in Singapore.

As the head of European diplomacy assured, the EU continues to support Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression.

Wherever we meet in the world, the bond between EU and Ukraine is unbreakable. With Oleksii Reznikov and EU colleagues we stressed need for global solidarity and support for Ukraine. Because shared principles are at stake, the statement says.

Фото: Твіттер / Josep Borrell Fontelles

Borrell also reported that he had met with Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu to discuss common strategic issues, including the war in Ukraine.

What is on the agenda of the Shangri-La Dialogue security forum in Singapore?

On June 2-4, a large-scale security forum takes place in Singapore. One of the topics of the summit was the war in Ukraine.

Representatives from a large number of countries attended the forum. Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov met with his Chinese counterpart Li Shangfu on the sidelines of the summit.

Indonesia presented its "peace plan" for Ukraine at the forum.

"First, immediately cease fire and hostilities. Second, disperse troops on each side 15 kilometers from the current front line and create a demilitarized zone, and third, create a peacekeeping mission under the auspices of the UN that will monitor the observance of the ceasefire," the plan states.

Indonesia suggested holding a referendum on the "disputed territories" to "determine the will of the residents."

However, Ukraine's foreign ministry refuted the plan, reminding that there are no "disputed territories" but Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia.

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