Displays of blue and yellow symbols are prohibited, as this might indicate covert support for Ukraine, the latest report of UK intelligence states.
Some Russian law enforcement agencies at the local level are likely to be interpreting Russia's "draconian" wartime legislation in this way.
UK Intelligence cites the example of a care home worker being arrested on 9 May 2023 after wearing a blue and yellow jacket to work.
In recent days, Russian National Guard troops arrested a 22 year old man in Volkhov near St Petersburg for displaying which was eventually determined to be the blue and yellow flag of Russia's own Aerospace Forces, the report states.
According to UK Intelligence, these repressions underscore the uncertainty of a "paranoid Russian officialdom" about what is permissible and considered permissible in an increasingly totalitarian system.
Criticism of the arrests has come from an unexpected quarter: the ultra-nationalist, pro-war Liberal Democratic party. The party's own branding features yellow on a blue background, the report authors state.
British intelligence indicated that in Bakhmut and the Bakhmut direction, after the departure of units of the Wagner group, the role of Russian paratroopers is increasing.
The review also reported that due to the actions of partisan groups in the area of the Russian border town of Shebekino, the leadership faces a dilemma: whether to transfer additional forces to the front line or to strengthen the protection of its own border.
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