This was reported by the city's mayor Ivan Fedorov on Telegram, as well as "RIA Melitopol."
It remains unknown what the details are, and the authorities are undertaking investigations accordingly.
In turn, local Telegram channels write about an explosion in the southern part of the city; black smoke is visible after the explosion.
Later, Fedorov added that according to detailed information, something happened on the outskirts of Yakymivka, south of Melitopol.
It should be noted that on June 3, five loud explosions rang out in the temporarily captured Melitopol.
According to Fedorov, the consequences of the explosions are thick smoke in the north of Melitopol.
"We are finding out what the occupiers are smoking," the mayor added.
Also, on June 3, Fedorov reported an explosion on the railway, which the enemy uses to transport personnel and equipment, in the temporarily captured territory of the Zaporizhzhia region.
For reference:
As Rubryka wrote, near Melitopol, the enemy has dug trenches and is pulling heavy equipment.
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