Ukraine “has nothing to do” at Vilnius NATO summit without signals for entry – Zelensky

It makes no sense to participate in the NATO summit in Vilnius if Ukraine does not receive specific signals from the Alliance regarding when it can join the military bloc.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said this in an interview with WJS.

The head of the Ukrainian state emphasized that he understands the impossibility of Ukraine joining NATO while the war continues.

"Some NATO countries are so afraid of Russia that they are not ready to see Ukraine in the bloc. If they do not see us and do not give some kind of signal in Vilnius, I believe that Ukraine has nothing to do at this summit," the President emphasized.

However, Kyiv needs to hear that Ukraine will be able to join the bloc after the war.

"We understand that we will not be in NATO or any powerful security alliance during this war (while this war continues – Ed.). But tell me how many lives are worth one phrase at the Vilnius summit: Ukraine will be in NATO after this war" after it's safe," Zelensky added.

The journalist asked the Ukrainian leader about his impressions of Vilnius, to which Zelensky replied that he was uncertain whether Kyiv would receive the intended message.

As Rubryka wrote, the Ukrainian Head also emphasized that, as of today, the Ukrainian Defense Forces are ready for a counteroffensive.

"I think that today we are ready to do it (to conduct a counteroffensive – ed.). We would like to have some things, but we cannot wait for it for months. We very much believe in success; I do not know how much time we will need", the head of state emphasized.

It should be noted that the Ukrainian leader said it is difficult for him to name the date when the counteroffensive will begin.

For reference:

Meanwhile, after the meeting of NATO ministers in Oslo, the head of the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry said it was time for Ukraine to answer the question of how and when it could join NATO.

In turn, the President of the European Commission proposed an option for Ukraine to join NATO.

As Rubryka wrote, citizens of 5 countries supported Ukraine's invitation to NATO until the war's end.

According to the survey of citizens of five countries, namely France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and the US, there is public support for the start of the process of Ukraine's accession to NATO even while the war continues.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance had provided Ukraine with enough military aid to liberate territories captured by Russia but are ready to do even more to help Kyiv.

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