UNITED24 platform funds restoration of six residential complexes in Kyiv region

As of June 3, six apartment buildings that were damaged after the Russian military aggression are being restored in the communities of the Kyiv region; another 12 are on the way.

Local authorities report this to several Ukrainian media.

Today in the Kyiv region, as part of the program "Recovery" of the fundraising platform UNITED24, the reconstruction of 6 apartment buildings is already undergoing. There will be a total of 18 such objects: three houses in Gostomelska hromada, four each in Dmytrivska and Borodyanska, and seven in Irpinska. The project will allow more than 4,000 residents return home, the statement says.

The program of reconstruction is being implemented under the "Recovery" initiative of the UNITED24 fundraising platform. In mid-May, work began in Hostomel (a house on Proskurivska Street, where 148 people live) and the villages of Mila (Komarova Street, 289 people live) and Buzova (Tsentralna Street, 115 people live).

This week, work began on the restoration of three more houses. In Hostomel, a five-story building that was damaged by a missile attack from an enemy aircraft in March 2022, is being rebuilt. There are 79 apartments in the building, 30 of which need restoration.

New floor slabs will be installed here. The roof will be repaired, damaged windows and doors will be replaced, and internal networks will be restored.

Residents of the eight-story building on the street will also soon be able to return home. The builders will carry out the restoration of individual sections of the walls from face bricks, perform interior and exterior decoration, arrange the roof, replace destroyed windows and doors, and restore internal engineering networks.

All works are planned to be completed by the end of this year.

We are completing the task of Ukraine's president Zelensky to return people home as soon as possible. We are grateful to our partners for their help and support. I am sure that the reconstruction will contribute to the return of people to the Kyiv region, and this, in turn, will be an impetus for the economic development of the region.

We have a lot of work to do, but we approach it in a systematic, planned manner, said local authorities.

The construction is being carried out in a modern, high-quality, safe manner, taking to account the principles of inclusiveness, barrier-free, and energy efficiency.

We want to assure the residents of the Kyiv region that we will rebuild everything that was destroyed or damaged, the statement added.

During the Russian aggression, 24,321 private and multi-story buildings in 46 communities were destroyed in the Kyiv region.

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