Solutions to win: Ukrainian Bike Box company presents electric cart for soldiers

The Chernihiv company Bike Box has developed an unusual electric cart for the Ukrainian Forces.

What is the problem?

Often in the combat zone and on the entire line of defense, Ukrainian defenders have to carry loads of ammunition or other necessary equipment in their hands. Also, in case of injury of a soldier, comrades have to evacuate immediately. It takes a lot of time and exposes them to danger as well.

What is the solution?

The Chernihiv company Bike Box has developed an unusual electric cart for the military.

The company presented its development at the СomAutoTrans 2023 exhibition in Kyiv.

Фото: Автоцентр

How does it work?

The company has assembled a two-wheeled trolley on electric traction, which allows you to transport up to 250 kg over a distance of up to 20 km at a speed of up to 10 km/h.

On the case itself, one can see a screen with a charge indicator, as well as a button to turn on, turn off and remove the battery.

Фото: Автоцентр

The cart allows transporting long loads, including stretchers with the wounded.

To do this, it has a sliding tubular frame, which is installed by pulling out the front and rear handles. There is one folding outrigger on both sides for fixing in a stable position during loading and unloading.

Фото: Скріншот з відео

Unfortunately, the developers were not able to show the working product at the exhibition, as the only copy had to be urgently sent to the customer. Instead, the company showed the STEED cart produced by the American company Hendrick Motorsport, which became the ideological inspiration.

Фото: Автоцентр

At the same time, the Ukrainian platform is cheaper and costs about 120 thousand hryvnias.

BikeBox is a Ukrainian startup founded by Oleksandr Lytvyn. The history of business was born in 2015, from a small circle of electric karting on the basis of the Chernihiv National University of Technology. Subsequently, Lytvyn switched to the design and creation of electric bikes.

Today, BibeBox is the first manufacturer in Ukraine that received a license for electric bicycles for the delivery of goods up to 450 kg.

The brand's products were presented at an international exhibition in Germany and are also actively used by soldiers. In particular, electric bikes helped the military during the liberation of the Kherson region.

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