Russia attacks Ukraine with 15 missiles and 18 drones by night: all downed

On Friday night, the Russian aggressors used 15 cruise missiles and 18 Iranian-made Shahed kamikaze drones to attack Ukraine.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports on Facebook that all these air targets were destroyed by air defense.

"Suffering heavy losses, Russia continues to use terror tactics to intimidate the Ukrainian population,"  the statement reads. "Our initial report: This night, the enemy used 15 cruise missiles (type to be specified) and 18 Iranian-made Shahed attack UAVs for strikes. Our defenders destroyed all these air targets. The information is being clarified."

The General Staff also reports that over the past 24 hours, the Russian forces launched 12 missile strikes using ten Iskander ballistic and cruise missiles on Ukraine's capital Kyiv (Ukrainian defenders downed the air threats) and two S-300 anti-aircraft guided missiles on Ukraine's northeastern city of Kharkiv. Russia also made 46 airstrikes and carried out 107 attacks from multiple rocket launching systems on the positions of Ukrainian troops and populated areas. Unfortunately, the General Staff reports that there are dead and wounded civilians, including children. A children's polyclinic, residential apartment buildings, private houses, and other civilian infrastructure were damaged.

The General Staff warns that the probability of missile and air strikes on the entire territory of Ukraine will continue to be high.

Russia continues to focus its main efforts on attempts to completely occupy the Luhansk and Donetsk regions. During the past 24 hours, Ukraine's defense forces repelled 25 enemy attacks.

According to the General Staff, the Russian invaders continued to force the population in the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region to get Russian passports. The Russia-appointed occupation administration set September 1 of this year as the deadline for Ukrainian citizens to obtain a Russian passport with a mandatory written refusal of a Ukrainian passport. Local energy companies report they are forced to sign new contracts for electricity supply only with a Russian passport.

All Ukrainian citizens who refuse to receive Russian documents are threatened with the termination of their electricity supply, deportation, confiscation of property, and forced eviction from their homes.

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