Fires broke out from the 3rd to the 9th floors in two entrances of one of the 9-story buildings, as well as apartments from the 2nd to the 9th floors of the neighboring building.
"During the investigation and extinguishing of the fire, emergency personnel rescued 22 people, including 1 child with limited physical abilities. Also, 7 people were evacuated from the entrance," the State Emergency Service said.
The dead body was found in one of the apartments. So far, fires have been extinguished in a total area of 2,270 square meters.
Even before the beginning of Russia's full-scale war, the city was on the line of confrontation. Regularly, the militants of the so-called Donetsk People's Republic (military formation created after the occupation of Donetsk) truck its surroundings.
After the full-scale attack, shelling increased, but the front line in the Toretsk area practically did not change. Dozens of buildings were destroyed in the city, and critical infrastructure facilities were also damaged.
As a result of the recent aerial bomb attack on the city of Toretsk, Donetsk region, the number of dead has increased to two, eight people were injured.
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