Компанія Eleek створила двомісний електричний баггі. Фото:
The cost of a production model will be about $10,000.
What is the problem?
Ukrainian warriors constantly need a car on the front line because the car endures in such conditions for about two weeks. Then it either needs to be repaired, or it is no longer suitable for trips.
Eleek already supplies electric bikes to the defenders of Ukraine, and now they intend to produce more functional equipment.
What is the solution?
The prototype was presented at the Com Auto Trans exhibition in Kyiv. The two-seater Ukrainian electric car is designed primarily for the needs of the Armed Forces.
How does it work?
The Ukrainian off-road vehicle Eleek is suitable for silent movement in combat conditions. In addition, there are retractable mounts for stretchers, so the buggy can carry the wounded.
Вартість авто складе 10 000 доларів. Фото:
The Eleek electric car with a plastic body weighs only 240 kg, so two small motors on the rear axle have a total power of 16 kW. с. (12 kW) is enough for it to accelerate to 55 km/h. The 9 kWh battery provides a range of 150 km.
Позашляховик важить лише 240 кг. Фото:
One can charge it in 3 hours. It is quick-release and can be used as a power bank to connect various electrical appliances.
Знімна батарея може служити павербанком. Фото:
The Pentagon signed a contract with the American defense company Global Military Products for the amount of more than $118 million for the purchase and supply of Gepard anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine.
Great Britain gave Ukraine a bus that was converted into a mobile hospital for the Ukrainian military.
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