Photo: from open sources
The Ministry of Defense press service said on Telegram that Ukrainian crews are already completing training to operate them, Rubryka reports.
What is the problem?
Ukraine defends its independence in a war of aggression against Russia. However, the aggressor country has advantages in the number of weapons and equipment, so Ukraine needs more reinforcements to expel the Russian forces from its sovereign territory.
What is the solution?
"Increasing the volume of military supplies for Ukraine is very important," said Minister of Defense of Sweden Pål Jonson. "I had the opportunity to visit Odesa and Mykolaiv in December, speak with Ukrainian military personnel, and learn about their ability to use Western weapons. I was very impressed by how quickly they are able to adapt to these Western weapons and how significantly it increases the protection of forces."
How does it work?
"One of the most modern infantry fighting vehicles will defend Ukraine," the Ukrainian defense ministry stated. "The Defense Forces of Ukraine will receive the CV-90 infantry fighting vehicles. This will be another powerful act of support from Swedish partners."
As reported, CV-90 armored vehicles are in service with a number of NATO member states.
Photo: Ukrinform
"We will continue to support Ukraine as long as it takes," said Minister Jonson. "We already have a deeper understanding of your operational needs. We have discussed some deliveries from Sweden to Ukraine that contain CV-90."
The Swedish defense minister added the country is working on the supply of Archer systems and tanks. "The fact of the supply of these weapons means that you can use these combined weapons," he stressed.
In January, Jonson announced that Sweden would transfer about 50 CV-90 to Ukraine.
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