Lviv authorities to open care center for orphans and neglected teens

Lviv authorities are creating a Spilnota (Community) space for orphans and children deprived of parental care in Lviv.

It will be a modern care center meant to help all the neglected, local authorities report.

What is the solution?

Spilnota (Community) is a communal institution in the format of a small group home without analogs in Ukraine, as it has a completely new philosophy and mission.

The initiative's main goal is to support and prepare talented youth for adulthood and to form a community of active, confident, and future-successful young people who strive for personal development.

The preliminary opening of the communal institution is planned for the fall of 2023.

The project is unique in the way of letting teenagers live in comfortable conditions and spend time following a special educational program.

How does it work?

The center is created by the Children's Service initiative of the Lviv City Council with the support of the Ridni (Relatives) foundation. It is being built at the address of  Topolna, 4 str.

Repair work is currently underway there.

20 teenagers will be able to live in Spilnota space at the same time. The space will have two wings that will house boys' rooms and girls'. Teenagers will live there while studying at universities.

The campus will have a library, study space, and a gym accessible to residents.

Also, experts are developing a special program on financial literacy and leadership. There will be a set of sessions with a psychologist and culinary workshops.

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