What'll it be all about?
Enjoy every day in the present moment — for the sake of a mentally healthy nation and a happy future for Ukraine, the center says.
The photographer from Rubryka has already been exploring Kyiv's Expocenter of Ukraine National Complex. Check out the amazing pics!
Which locations will work in Kyiv's Expocenter of Ukraine National Complex
There will be more than 20 locations for recreation.
Pier 39 Pool, Animal Park, Sky Park Rope Park, Urban Park, Greenhouse and Butterfly Planet, BBQ Areas, Science Museum, and Unconquered Nation Space will be open to visitors throughout the summer. Lectures on mental health and meetings with psychologists will be held in the "Circle of Inspiration" space.
The new season at the Expocenter is about "rest, reboot and singing of Ukrainian bands," the administration says.
The Uyava art space will be set up in the "Garden of Desires" for Kyiv Day. The program includes performances by Cape Code, Tonka, and DJ sets by Kyiv electronic musicians.
The Expocenter plans to hold several charity events to raise funds for the Armed Forces and events for children of internally displaced people. In particular, the "Poruch-fest," which will be held on June 1.
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