Russia seeks “recognition of territorial arrangements” to gain peace with Ukraine

The Russian Foreign Ministry, represented by Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin, has once again reiterated its demands for "peace," noting that it wants to seize the occupied territories.

Following Galuzin's claim, Ukraine states it would not hold any peace talks with Russia as long as Russian troops are on Ukrainian territory.

Росія вимагає:

According to Galuzin, to restore peace, Ukraine has to:

  • "stop hostilities", and the West has to stop supplying weapons;
  • refuse to join the EU and NATO;
  • return to neutral non-aligned status;
  • recognize "new territorial realities";
  • defend the rights of Russian-speaking citizens and national minorities.

"In order to achieve a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace, Ukraine must restore its neutral, non-aligned status, as enshrined in the 1990 Declaration of its State Sovereignty, and refuse to join NATO and the EU," he said.

He also stated that the traditional "denazification and demilitarisation" were necessary and that a settlement is possible only if the Ukrainian Armed Forces cease hostilities.

As for Ukraine, officials demand the following to restore actual peace:

  • Russia withdraws its troops from the sovereign territory of Ukraine;
  • recognizes the collapse of the USSR, and the post-Soviet countries have the full extent of sovereignty;
  • extradites war criminals and authors of the war;
  • establishes a demilitarization zone on its territory;
  • reduces offensive weapons;
  • holds the International Conference on the Organization of Control over the nuclear arsenal of the Russian Federation;
  • fixes the program of reparation payments by Russia;
  • gives up Russian assets seized in other countries in favor of Ukraine.

On March 17, Pretrial Chamber II of the International Criminal Court on Friday issued warrants for the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding the war in Ukraine.

The President of the Russian Federation and the Russian President's Commissioner for Children are suspected of war crimes. Namely, the illegal deportation and relocation of the population, including children, from the occupied territory of Ukraine at least from February 24, 2022.

All member states of the International Criminal Court are now legally bound to detain and bring to trial the suspected Russian president.

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