EU has delivered 90,000 tons of humanitarian aid to Ukraine since day one of full-scale war

Since the start of the full-scale war, Ukraine has received about 90,000 tons of in-kind equipment and medicine through the EU's civil protection mechanism.

What is the problem?

Ukraine has been suffering from a full-fledged humanitarian catastrophe for more than a year. The enemy destroys houses and critical infrastructure, robs homes, hospitals, and educational institutions.

Thousands of Ukrainians were left homeless and forced to flee the war to other regions of the country.

What is the solution?

Ukraine officially joined the EU Civil Protection Mechanism on April 20, 2023.  EU states and other countries cooperate in matters of preparedness and response to crises and disasters.

Thanks to the mechanism, Ukraine received aid right after a corresponding request. The state will have access to expert exchanges, educational programs, and training and will also be able to provide assistance to countries in crisis.

How does it work?

This is certainly the most complex, largest and longest operation within the framework of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism in the entire history of its existence, said European Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič.

The in-kind assistance was provided with the following:

  • food,
  • medicine,
  • vehicles,
  • electricity generators,
  • equipment for repairing power grids and other critical infrastructure facilities.

We even delivered things like sunflower seeds and equipment for the protection of cultural monuments, Lenarčič said.

Over two thousand patients and wounded from Ukraine were treated in more than 20 EU countries, added the European Commissioner.

Опубліковано автором
Альвіна Камінська
Теги: War Humanitarian help EU Events

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