This batch will ensure Ukraine has a dozen German-made systems, says Oleksii Makeiev, Ukraine's Ambassador to Germany.
What is the problem?
Ukraine severely lacks an air fleet in order to cover the sky from Russian missiles fully. The issue of providing fighter jets from allied countries is still in the air.
It is necessary to improve the state's air defense as much as possible with modern weaponry that can destroy any enemy missiles.
What is the solution?
Germany handed over the first out of four promised IRIS-T SLM anti-aircraft missile systems to Ukraine on October 11. Delivery of the next three systems is planned for next year.
On Sunday, April 16, Germany sent Ukraine the second promised air defense system.
Now, Ukraine's side reports that Germany signed new contracts for the supply of weaponry.
How does it work?
The agreements for the supply of systems were signed in Überlingen.
The IRIS-T air defense system from Diehl Defense, which Ukrainians call "Iriska" (as for Ukrainian "Toffee"). It has already saved several Ukrainian lives, the ambassador noted.
The IRIS-T systems are equipped with German TRML-4D radars. They are able to track more than one and a half thousand targets in real-time. At a distance of 250 km, the radar detects the aircraft, and at 120 km, it already accompanies the target and guides the missiles.
Germany handed Ukraine a new package of military aid, which included, in particular, the TRML-4D aerial surveillance radar system, Vector reconnaissance drones, and anti-drone systems.
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