Solutions to win: Senior citizen in Zhytomyr sewed 3,000 pillows with encouraging notes for Ukrainian army

82-year-old Valentyna from the Zhytomyr region, who was temporarily forced to move from the war, sews pillows for Ukrainian soldiers. To support troops, she set up a real workshop.

What is the problem?

During the war, thousands of caring people try to help the military. After all, even on the front line, Ukrainian defenders need to have at least some comfort.

Basic necessities quickly turn into rags during shelling, and it is not always possible to wash things.

What is the solution?

At the beginning of the full-scale war, Valentyna was evacuated from the Zhytomyr region. There she started cooking stew and making trench candles for Ukrainian soldiers.

When the occupiers fled from the north of Ukraine, she returned to her native house. But she didn't just sit there either. Valentyna helped cut fabric for camouflage nets.

One day she heard from an acquaintance who sews pillows for tankers. Valentyna liked the idea. At home, she found remnants of fabric and started sewing.

How does it work?

In just a few days, the first pillows went to the front line.

On Facebook, the soldier wrote: "This is what is needed". When I received such a gift, we didn't stop, we sewed and sewed, said Valentina Minina.

Neighbors began to bring fabric. Volunteers, friends, and their grandchildren joined the initiative.

Фото: Тетяна Іскоростенська /

In my spare time from school, I write postcards, the 90th Bible psalm or take fabric from my grandmother to Valentina Mykolaivna, says Veronika Ivanova, a schoolgirl and volunteer.

Фото: Тетяна Іскоростенська /

Valentyna sews each pillow on her own. More than 3,000 pillows have already been sewn and sent to Ukrainian troops.


"This one's for a front-line hospital. The pillowcase can be changed and washed, and it's convenient, explains Valentina Minina.

Currently, Valentyna has a team that consists of 6 craftswomen: some sew, and others stuff pillows.

Then her son-in-law, together with other caring people, takes the pillows to the volunteers. This is how help gets to the front and to hospitals.

They take them everywhere: to Bakhmut, to Kramatorsk, to Zaporizhzhia. And then they even send us pictures: the military with our pillows. It is very inspiring and warms our soul, shares Valentyna Minina.

Valentyna's pillows allow soldiers to sleep better at the front line.

Tankers and drivers put them under the waist, saving their backs from injuries.

Together with the pillow, the Ukrainian warrior receives goodies and an encouraging note. This helps the troops not only rest better but also motivates them to move toward victory.

I don't stop because I want everything to be alright. I want them to win, and I believe that we will win!, Valentina added.

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