The Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports this on Facebook.
"To disrupt the counteroffensive actions of the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine, on May 27, 2023, the Russian occupiers began to implement a provocation with the use of chemical weapons in the temporarily occupied territories of the Zaporizhzhia region. The real victims of the enemy provocation will be the soldiers of the Russian occupation army. Traces of damage by chemical weapons on their bodies state that the aggressor plans to use [such weapons – ed.] as fake evidence to accuse Ukraine," the message reads.
The Ukrainian Security and Defense Forces emphasize that the Ukrainian army uses only conventional means during hostilities with Russian troops, and "regular performances of the Muscovite special services" are unable to influence the further course of events at the front.
For reference:
After that, the invaders will announce an emergency leak of radioactive substances.
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