Veteran Hub's RESEX platform empowers Ukrainian soldiers to reclaim their sexuality after combat injuries

The Veteran Hub project and the creative agency Patsany Agency have developed an educational platform Resex about returning to sexual life after combat injuries, Rubryka reports.
What is the problem?
More than 30% of the Ukrainian military return home with changes in their sex life, according to the Veteran Hub.
The organization adds that rebuilding an intimate relationship with a partner is an essential component of a successful transition to civil life.
What is the solution?
The platform offers practical advice and guides on sexuality and intimacy after injury.
The information will be helpful not only for soldiers with injuries but for all service members and their male and female partners, whose sex life has changed during the war, say the platform developers.
How does it work?
The Love guide answers questions about accepting one's body after combat wounds or changes in libido after treatment and establishing intimacy with partners.
The guide also includes tips on how to take action to restore and build close relationships with your partners.
The manual is available in two versions for military men and military women. The platform also gathers articles on the topic, especially about changes in the body, and explains:
- how to talk about injuries with partners;
- how trauma and combat experience affect a couple's relationship;
- how to restore and diversify sexual experience in new conditions.
The project team offers to read the study "Sexuality and Intimacy of Wounded Warriors," which describes the main barriers to returning to sexual life and the positive experience of overcoming them.
The launch of the educational platform is accompanied by the Love communication campaign about returning to relationships at the transition stage to civilian life.