Cooperation involves the purchase of equipment, an increase in the fleet of fitting platforms, and the organization of processes according to the best global standards.
What is the problem?
Railways are an exceptional importance to Ukraine's economy both now and in the context of post-war reconstruction, said Tim Lardner, director of the UNOPS office in Ukraine.
What is the solution?
To implement a grant from the World Bank, Ukrzaliznytsia is starting cooperation with the United Nations Office for Project Services — UNOPS. The corresponding agreement was signed in Kyiv.
Ukrzaliznytsia is expanding its portfolio of cooperation with international institutions. For the first time, we have financial support from the World Bank, and with this grant funding, we expect to supply equipment and rolling stock already this year.
I am confident that the implementation of this project will allow us to expand our partnership to further strategically important railway infrastructure projects of Ukraine, said Anton Mishyn, member of the board.
How does it work?
The cooperation of UNOPS with Ukrzaliznytsia involves the purchase of equipment for the restoration of the railway infrastructure that has suffered damage. UNOPS will contribute to the organization of procurement according to the best standards.
The grant will help to increase the fleet of fitting platforms, which will contribute to the transportation of container cargo, including for transportation of humanitarian aid and the export of agricultural products.
UNOPS considers it a priority to provide assistance to the national railway carrier, because this will contribute to the access of the population to the necessary goods, create new opportunities for businesses and strengthen the resilience of the whole world in the face of new challenges, commented Tim Lardner.
The World Bank has allocated almost 190 million euros to Ukraine. Also, Ukraine and the World Bank discussed the projects and the process of preparing new system reconstruction initiatives.
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