It will focus on sustaining Ukraine's armored maneuver capabilities and bolstering air defenses against Russia's continued brutal attacks, US Defense Secretary Austin says.
We have helped Ukraine protect the sky and we will not stop doing it. Russia has not been able to dominate Ukrainian airspace, therefore air defense capabilities will once again be at the center of our discussions today, Austin emphasized.
He emphasized that Ukraine is now armed with Patriot air defense systems provided by the US, Germany, and the Netherlands. At the same time, the Air Force "accurately shoots down" Russian missiles.
Patriot saves lives, as do the IRIS-T and NASAMS systems, which this Contact Group also delivered, the Pentagon chief noted.
The participants of the Ramstein-12 meeting will listen to Ukraine's report on the situation on the ground. Ways to speed up the industrial production of weapons and ammunition will also be discussed.
We will continue to defend Ukraine's sovereign right to live in freedom, we will continue to defend an open world based on rules and rights, we will defend a free and sovereign Ukraine as long as it takes, Austin emphasized.
The members of the Contact Group on the Defense of Ukraine allocated military aid worth $65 billion.
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