The Chernihiv City Council reported this.
What is the problem?
During the blockade of the city of Chernihiv, Russian aviation carried out numerous airstrikes on civilian infrastructure, including educational, health care, and even sports infrastructure facilities. Almost 80% of schools in the city of Chernihiv were damaged by numerous shellings, three were destroyed, and another 21 schools suffered damage of various degrees; 90 buildings of educational institutions in the region were damaged. Residential buildings were significantly damaged and destroyed, in particular, in the micro-district of the city of Chernihiv Borovytsia.
What is the solution?
There was a meeting of the acting mayor of Chernihiv, Oleksandr Lomak, with the Minister of Economy of Latvia, Ilza Indriksone, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia to Ukraine, Ilgvars Klava.
"During the meeting, agreements were reached on the allocation of 2 million euros by this country [Latvia – ed.] for the restoration of our city," the message reads.
How does it work?
It is officially acknowledged that the use of the allocated funding has been predetermined, with a focus on providing equipment to educational facilities and restoring the operation of the "Chernihivvodokanal" Communal Enterprise.
During the meeting, Oleksandr Lomako talked about the consequences of active hostilities and noted that the city does not have the opportunity to restore everything on its own. Therefore it actively cooperates with international donors and organizations to attract their help to restore Chernihiv.
In addition, he reported on the priority directions for the city's restoration: the sphere of public transport, equipment for cleaning the city, and establishing connections at the business level.
For reference:
It should be noted that the Chernihiv region, whose cultural landscape is to acquire world heritage status, will be restored together with UNESCO.
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