Solutions to win: 250-person parking shelter to be built in Kyiv region

A parking shelter designed for 250 people will be built in Brovary, Kyiv region.

The local publication "Tribune Brovary" reported this.

What is the problem?

On February 24, 2022, a battle for the city of Brovary in the Kyiv region commenced upon the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Subsequently, the occupying forces were decisively routed; however, rocket attacks persist a frequent peril to all Ukrainian citizens.

What is the solution?

A parking lot will be constructed in close proximity to the city council; however, the specific location remains unknown at this time and is subject to the expert opinion of the surveyors.

How does it work?

The building will serve as an underground parking lot in peacetime and can be used as a temporary shelter if necessary.

"The money for the design of the new building will not be allocated from the budget but will be redistributed within the management from the capital repair program of roads, streets, and overpasses," the message says.

UAH 1 million is currently allocated for the project's production and estimate documentation.

The future shelter structure is designed to shelter more than 250 people.

For reference:

It should be noted that the City of Peace, designed by an Italian architect, was opened in Brovary.

The European Movement for Nonviolent Actions (MEAN), together with a consortium of Italian companies, has gifted the city of Brovary with its first movable Point of Invincibility and public space, designed by renowned Italian architect Mario Cucinella, which was announced by the Brovary City Council website. This space, called the City of Peace, includes warm, wellequipped buildings which will serve as a Point of Invincibility and a public space open to both locals and visitors of Brovary.

In these buildings, residents and guests can access educational tools for children, charge their phone or tablet batteries, warm up, and obtain additional assistance. Construction of the City of Peace began on February 6, 2023, and spans 300 square meters. It has two furnaces, a conventional generator donated by Base Italia, and 16 mini-solar generators.

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