European Commission spokeswoman Dana Spinant stated this at a briefing in Brussels, Ukrinform reports.
"Today, we provide another tranche of 1.5 billion euros for Ukraine. This is the fourth payment within the framework of macro-financial assistance of 18 billion euros for this year. This assistance will allow Ukraine to ensure macroeconomic stability and restore critical infrastructure destroyed by Russia during the war against Ukraine," the spokeswoman of the European Commission said.
As reported, at the end of last year, all key institutions of the European Union agreed to allocate 18 billion euros of macro-financial assistance to Ukraine, at the rate of 1.5 billion euros every month, to support the key social functions of the Ukrainian state in wartime conditions.
At the same time, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, announced the development of a multi-year, long-term macro-financial assistance package for Ukraine, which will be intended to support its macro-financial stability, financial support for recovery processes, and preparation for membership in the European Union.
For reference:
The National Bank of Ukraine presented a new 10-hryvnia coin, which will be put into circulation.
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