Solutions to win: English-speaking foreigners can learn Ukrainian language and culture with “NevhaMOVNO” online school

The "NevhaMOVNO" online school of the Ukrainian language provides a comprehensive educational program for English-speaking foreigners to gain proficiency in Ukrainian words and grammar, familiarize themselves with Ukrainian culture via music and tradition, and analyze Ukrainian memes for a more holistic understanding of the language.

According to Rubryka, NevhaMOVNO, a creative educational institution devoted to fostering an appreciation for the Ukrainian language and culture, has been spreading its love for Ukraine globally, providing lessons to students from Canada, the United States, Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

"NevhaMOVNO" offers the following services:

  • individual online lessons,
  • learning the Ukrainian language from scratch for children and adults,
  • individual selection of materials tailored to a given learning style,
  • personalized training programs based upon requested goals,
  • a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere,
  • and flexible scheduling.

The study of the Ukrainian language during Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine may be an essential factor in achieving a victory for Ukraine and developing international relations between peoples. Moreover, it can help foreigners:

  1. To understand the current situation: understanding the Ukrainian language will aid in learning more about the situation on the ground and help put current events into context.
  2. Facilitate communication with forced migrants from Ukraine.
  3. Build relationships: knowing Ukrainian can help foreign powers build bridges and have open conversations with the locals, creating a better understanding of the region and strengthening relationships.

Candidates may submit their applications for lessons via the following link, or contact the school via Instagram.



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