Solutions to win: National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life to become center for rehabilitation of Ukrainian military

Ukrainian military personnel and their families will undergo psychological rehabilitation at the National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life.

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine reported this.

What is the problem?

Ukrainian defenders sustain not only physical damage during periods of war but also mental trauma. Further, the psychological trauma experienced by defenders is extended to their relatives and loved ones, leading to severe emotional distress.

What is the solution?

As reported by the department, on May 22, the National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine and the Command of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.

How does it work?

"The territory of the museum has been declared a zone of psychological rehabilitation for military personnel. Our museum will become a platform for a new experimental method of emotional and post-traumatic recovery of military personnel, participants in hostilities, and persons who suffered as a result of Russian armed aggression, as well as their families," said the general director of the museum, Oksana Poviakel.

Ukrainian defenders will be involved in a wide range of museum activities:

  • interactive programs,
  • lectures,
  • master classes,
  • quests and excursions.

"The traditional landscape of the Ukrainian village, the non-urbanized landscape, nature that changes depending on the season will contribute to the emotional relief of all program participants," the Ministry of Culture is confident.

For reference:

National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine (Open-Air Museum in Pyrohiv) is an open-air museum, architectural and landscape complex of all historical and ethnographic regions of Ukraine.

It is located on the southern outskirts of Kyiv, in the Holosiiv district, near the area of Pyrohiv. The total area is 133.5 hectares.

The Poster Museum of Ukraine operates on the territory of the museum, the Feofania Clinical Hospital, the National Expo Center of Ukraine, the Institute of Beekeeping named after P. I. Prokopovych, the National Beekeeping Museum of Ukraine, the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Feofania Garden and Park Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are located nearby.

It should be noted that the "Donbas-Prykarpattia" rehabilitation center officially opened in Ivano-Frankivsk.

In addition, the newly built rehabilitation complex "St. Luka's Hospital" was opened in Kropyvnytskyi.

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