Bucha Mayor Anatolii Fedoruk announced on Facebook that the local community signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Step To Happiness charity fund chair, Vadym Korunskyi, who will help restore the institution.
"We have an ambitious goal to create a wonderful modern space here, in which the children of Vorzel will receive a quality education and grow up strong, happy, and healthy," Fedoruk said.
The village of Vorzel was one of the first to be attacked at the end of February 2022, when Russian armed forces began the invasion of the Kyiv region. They occupied the village of 3,000 people on their way from Bucha.
According to the Kyiv School of Economics Institute, the damage to Vorzel's infrastructure is estimated at $52 million. In total, 541 buildings were destroyed and damaged in Vorzel due to hostilities, which included the local orphanage, the Lastivka kindergarten, and the psycho-neurological hospital No. 2.
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