Kyiv raises awareness about air quality with new tour of monitoring station

Kyiv City Nature House will host an event about monitoring air quality in Ukraine's capital, where active residents and NGOs can register to tour one of the city's monitoring stations. 

Kyiv Center for Environmental Education announced on Facebook that participants would visit the capital's air monitoring station for the first time.

What is the problem?

Kyiv, like many other major cities, faces challenges related to air pollution, primarily due to factors such as industrial activities, vehicle emissions, and residential heating methods.

Kyiv's overall air quality index in 2022 was low or very low 88% of the time, so the air in the capital was clean most of the time, according to Oleksandr Voznii, head of the city's ecology and natural resources department. These indicators are based on the data from the system of monitoring stations that help observe air quality, leading to better control of air pollution.

What is the solution?

The Nature House in Kyiv will host an environmental lecture on "Air Quality Monitoring" on Thursday, May 25.  

"We invite you to join the Air Quality Monitoring lecture," the organizers said. "With the support of the air quality monitoring department of Kyiv's Department of Environmental Protection and Adaptation to Climate Change, the specialists of the House of Nature have prepared new important information for you, which we offer to discuss immediately in the best traditions of our Ecohub."

How does it work?

During the lecture, the resident will be able to learn how monitoring works, why it is crucial to monitor the state of the air, what is the air quality in Kyiv, and why fakes appear.

The eco-event will be held at the House of Nature at 17:00 at Rohnidynska Street. The participants can get to the meeting by pre-registration.

In addition to the discussion, at the event, Kyiv residents can register for the first excursion to one of the capital's air monitoring points, where specialists from the Department will show how the system works.

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