American University Kyiv opens doors at Kyiv River Station

On May 21, the American University Kyiv was officially opened in the building of the Kyiv River Station.

The rector of the educational institution, Roman Sheremeta, reported that on Facebook.

What is the problem?

In 2022, the private educational institution American University Kyiv was established in partnership with Arizona State University (ASU), a major university in the USA. Teaching was remotely conducted in the building of River Station, located at Poshtova Square in Kyiv.

What is the solution?

The American University Kyiv was officially opened in the building of the Kyiv River Station.

Minister of Education Oksen Lisovyi, the head of the Mykolaiv Regional State Administration Vitaliy Kim, the mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klychko, and others attended the opening. The university was opened despite constant Russian missile attacks.

Photo: Facebook / Roman Sheremet

"American University Kyiv is not just another university; it is a great symbol of the resilience of the Ukrainian people; it is a beacon of hope and partnership between the United States and Ukraine," the message reads.

Photo: Facebook / Roman Sheremet

How does it work?

From now on, students can study full-time.

"We are happy that, despite the war, we can unite to carry out this beautiful American academic tradition. This is also a special moment in the life of the university because it is the first meeting in the restored building of the River Station, an important part of Ukrainian art and history," representatives of the university noted.

Photo: Facebook / Roman Sheremet

American University's new president, Dan Rice, was inaugurated during the opening of the River Port campus.

Photo: Facebook / Roman Sheremet

"On this significant day, we congratulate our students, the faculty, shareholders, and friends, who throughout this war and the first year of activity of the American University Kyiv, remained devoted to the large-scale educational mission – the creation of a university. Every day you all do your best to transform the slogan of American University Kyiv: "Education that gives freedom" into reality," emphasized Rice.

Фото: Фейсбук / Роман Шеремета
Фото: Фейсбук / Роман Шеремета
Фото: Фейсбук / Роман Шеремета


For reference:

It should be noted that the renovation of the River Station was completed in April 2023, with the original facade and valuable panels from 1961 being preserved.

American University Kyiv is the first university in Ukraine to cooperate with Arizona State University (ASU) on the basis of a 25year license agreement. This strategic partnership gives American University Kyiv access to ASU educational programs, exchange programs, and a unique opportunity for the institution's students to earn dual degrees from both universities Amarican University Kyiv and ASU.

American University Kyiv ( is the first private university that offers high standards of American education in Ukraine thanks to a partnership with Arizona State University (ASU), one of the largest universities in the USA, which according to the US News & World Report ranking is America's most innovative university. In Ukraine, the founding partners of American University Kyiv are: EPAM Systems, BGV Group Management, Academy DTEK, Brain, Channel Georgian Consulting, Georgian American University.

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