Ukrainian army “performing important tasks” in Bakhmut as Russian forces fail to gain control over the whole city – Zelensky

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, stated that the Russian occupying forces did not capture Bakhmut, Donetsk region.

During a press conference held following the summit of the leaders of the G7 countries in Hiroshima, Ukraine's head of state made a public statement, which was broadcast by the Voice of America.

Journalists asked Zelensky about the situation in Bakhmut.

"We have a very tough neighbor – a thief, a terrorist, a challenging enemy. But we hold on; we fight thanks to the courage of our people and our soldiers. And thanks to our intelligence.

We do not leave people to die. For us, people are a treasure. This is the most important thing we have. And there are no misunderstandings. I clearly understand what is happening in Bakhmut. And we all clearly understand why all this is happening," the president emphasized.

The Ukrainian leader noted that he could not share the data of the Ukrainian military, as well as tactics.

Нагадаємо, що Президент України перебуває у Японії, де триває 48-й саміт "Групи семи". Його учасники розглядають шляхи забезпечення стійкості глобальної економіки, в тому числі за наслідками російської агресії проти України.

Як писала Рубрика, на Донеччині в районі Бахмута українські війська контролюють пані

"But today, we see that a country that is ten times larger than us cannot occupy us, cannot win this war. And we understand that a little bit more [time is needed – ed.] – and we will win," Zelensky emphasized.

"And that's why we act the way we do. Valuing people's lives. The most difficult thing is if there was a military tactical error in Bakhmut and people could be surrounded," the President noted.

As the head of Ukraine emphasized, all military personnel know how to act and prevent people from being captured by the enemy.

"Today, they [Ukrainian military – ed.] are performing a very important task. Today they are in Bakhmut. I will not share where exactly they are. But this indicates that Bakhmut is not captured by the Russian Federation today. There could not be two or three interpretations of this," Zelensky summarized.

For reference:

It should be noted that the Ukrainian president is in Japan, where the 48th G7 summit is in progress. Its participants consider ways to ensure the stability of the global economy, including the consequences of Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Rubryka reported that the Ukrainian military has established control over the commanding heights in the Bakhmut area of the Donetsk region, which enables them to combat the occupying forces in the city effectively. This achievement has led to the creation of a semiencirclement situation by Ukraine's armed forces around the city.

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